Mrs. Spirit

Performed in: December, 2018
Place/Venue: 22. İstanbul Istanbul Theatre Festival, Adahan, İstanbul


From Movement Atelier, comes a play that invites us to leave our confining routines and step into a ‘parallel universe’. Audience while entering the foyer area confronts with various images through hanged canvases and video images on the walls, small photos displayed all around accompanied by installation pieces creating the universe of Mrs. Spirit in advance of the live performance.


hand made

Performed in: May, 2018
Place/Venue: BomontiAlt, A Corner in the World Festival


Freshly done from Movement Atelier for A Corner in the World Festival: Hand-made life experiences: getting angry well, touching with compassion, criticizing properly, laughter, being startled, attracting attention, looking in silence, being surprised, feeding the soul, warming the body, renewing the mind and diving into the play hand in hand for much more, being the play, approaching the stranger without worrying about what people would say, meeting,


Performed in: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Place/Venue: 2013-“work in progress” performance İKSV, Salon May, 2013- 
2015- International İzmir Theatre Festival, December, 2015
2014-2016 SAHNE Khas, Dec. 2014- April 2016

The new project of Movement Atelier Company is refering to the Cindrella tale. The project aims to reconstruct the tale through woman psyche, anthropological analysis and new ways of story telling practices. Company wants to write a tale of their own.

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Performed in: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Place/Venue: 2009- International iDANS Festival, Garajistanbul, İstanbul Oct.-May 2009
2010- 17. International İstanbul Theatre Festival, İstanbul, May 2010, Boğaziçi University, Garanti Cultural Center, İstanbul, March 2010
2011- International Temp D’image Festival, İstanbul, April 2011; Hybrid Festival, Dortmund, Germany
2012- İstanbul Performing Arts Platform, Perform 2012- International Performing Arts Selection, SAHNE Kadir Has, 5-8 April, 2012

Years of jumping rope, playing dodge ball and selling hand-made necklaces made out of sea shell.

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Performed in: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Place/Venue: 2007 İst. /İstanbul Dance Festival- DBM Meeting, Garajİstanbul, İst. ; 2008-2010 (0090 Kunstenfestival), Antwerp, İst. / (Garajİstanbul Program), İst., Adana /(University Theater Festival), Adana; Çanakkale Festival Çanakkale, İstanbul 2010 Europe Cultural Capital,  (Black/North SEAS” Program)


Things that spring to our minds when we look at our lives in pity, in laughter, in rebellion, in madness, in mockery and in many different conditions…

“Country / Journey through MEMORY”

Performed in: 2006
Place/Venue: “(Antakya Contemporary Arts Meeting), Antakya
2006; (IETM/İst. meeting), (Nnaco/Stüdyo), İst.


“Country/Journey through MEMORY” which is a continuation of the performance film ‘Country’, but a further exploration and a journey through the themes of country, memory, social and internal geography by combining fiction and documentary; film and live performance. Film is a part of live performance. Live performance at times blends into the film, in other times opposes the recorded images. 

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Performed in: 2003
Place/Venue:  IF Short Film Festival, İst.


“COUNTRY” is a film project realised in 2003 as a result of Movement Atelier workshops focusing on the concept of home country, in both personal and social contexts. It was realized in an old Greek house, down by the Bosphorous, Istanbul. As a film it has been showned in several occasions/festivals at universities and private shows in several cities.



Performed in: March, 2014
Place: Boğaziçi University

In 2014, Boğaziçi University celebrated its 150th anniversary. Movement Atelier Company performed for this special occasion a compilation of several of its works at Demir Demirgil
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Performed In: 2010
Places/Venue: Süreyya Opera House, World Dance Week Celebration Events, ACPAI (Association of Contemporary Perfroming Art Initiation)  Organization- Independent Movement 

Intermission is a piece especially created for the Dance Week Celebrations organized by ACPAI Association and has taken place in a performance collective at Sureyya Opera House, Istanbul in April 2010.

Temporary Occupation

Performed in:3-4 October 2009
Place: Kanyon

Various artists and performing art groups’ works were performed in 3-4 Oct. 2009 in Kanyon in the context of ‘Parallel Events’/ 11th İstanbul Bienale. Movement Atelier Company edited its selected works to be performed in various parts of Kanyon to propose new relational attitudes concerning artistic action and its perception as well as artistic interventions on daily life and re-editing of mundane reality.
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Intersections ve Intersections-02 Roxy

Performed in: 2003-2005
Places: Lütfi Kırdar Convention Exhibition Center, International Group Therapy Congress; Roxy Club, Istanbul

“Intercultural Meetings: Where communities head towards?” is the openning performance of the 15th. International Pyschotherapy Congress.


Performed in: August, 2001
Place: Ayvalık

August was one of the first performances created solely for the specific space in Ayvalık through the
invitaiton of İnci Eviner, a prominent visual artist.
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Performed in: November, 2000-2003
Place: Roxy Club

Shows are small scale performances shared with friends and family for the first three years of atelier’s start on November 2000. During that period atelier was taking place in Roxy Club and the shows also performed there during the off days when the club was closed.

Movement Atelier continued to experiment and rehearse: between 1999-2003 at Roxy Club/ between 2003-2013 at Rumeli Han- Nnaco’s space/ after 2013 at kii3dört ( and Kadir Has University- Theatre Department. We heartfeltly thank to all these spaces and precious friends inside them.

2000- Müsamere 1, Roxy Club, İstanbul.

2001- Müsamere 2, Roxy Club, İst.
2001- Keşke Naturel Festivali, TÜYAP, İst.
2001- Ağustos, Palm Court Hotel, Ayvalık
2003- Ülke, performans filmi (iF Kısa Film festivali), İst.
2003- “Kesişmeler 1”-Naz Erayda ile birlikte-, , “Uluslararası Psikoterapi Kongresi”nin açılış gösterisi, Lütfi Kırdar Kongre Salonu, İst.
2004- “Kesişmeler 2”- Naz Erayda ile birlikte-, Roxy Club, İst.
2005-”Kesişmeler 3”- Naz Erayda ile birlikte-, Roxy Club,İst.
2005- “Ülke/Yol-culuk”- EU-Türkiye Kültürel İlişkiler Forumu (Darphane-i Amire), İst.
2005- “Ülke/Yol-culuk”- Cihangir Festivali-AçıkAlan (Cihangir), İst.
2006- “Ülke/Yol-culuk/Hafıza” (Antakya Çağdaş Sanat Buluşması kapsamında), Antakya
2006- “Ülke/Yol-culuk/Hafıza” (IETM/İst. Toplantısı kapsamında), (Nnaco/Stüdyo), İst.
2007-2010 “İnsan(lık) Hali” (İstanbul Dans Festivali-DBM Toplantısı kapsamında), İst.
(Garajİstanbul Programı), İst. / “Human(ly) Condition” (Garajİstanbul), İst.
0090 Kunstenfestival, Antwerp
2008, (Garajİstanbul Programı), İst. / (Garajİstanbul Programe), İst.
(Üniversitelerarası Tiyatro Festivali), Adana
(Çanakkale Festival), Çanakkale, İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti
(Karadeniz ve Kuzey Denizi/DENİZLER) Projesi Festivali, İstanbul Modern, İstanbul Geçici İşgal, ÇGSG Derneği Projesi, Santralİstanbul, İst.
2010 Antrakt, Dünya Dans Günü, BAĞIMSIZ HAREKET (İDOB-ÇGSG işbirliği ile) Süreyya Operası, İstanbul, 28 Nisan 2010
2009-2012 “aHHval”, Mayıs 2009, iDANS Festivali/“cirCUMstances, iDANS Festival, May, 2009, İst.) / Mayıs 2010, 17. Uluslararası İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali 
International Temp D’Image Festival, Istanbul; Haz. 2009, Geçici İşgal- Kanyon, ÇGSG Derneği Projesi, İstanbul
Şubat 2011, İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Projesi, Uluslararası Melez Festivali, Dortmund, Almanya/ Istanbul
Nisan 2012, İstanbul Gösteri Sanatları Platformu- Perform 2012- Uluslararası Gösteri Sanatları Örnekleri,
SAHNE Kadir Has, İstanbul
2013-2016 Kül-Kadın ‘work in progress’ gösterimi: İKSV Salon- 2013,
Uluslararası Tiyatro Festivali 6 Aralık 2015; SAHNE Khas- 2014- Haz., 2016 
el-yapımı BomontiAlt, Dünyada Bir Köşe Festivali, Mayıs, 2018

Ruhiye 22. İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, Adahan, Aralık, 2018